leadership and
management training

lead the pack with

leadership and management training

The toughest role in any business can be that of the middle manager.

As well as leading their people to deliver on the objectives of the business owner or organisation, they must manage individual personalities and team dynamics.

Often managers are brought up through the ranks of the organisation. While they may have excellent technical skills, management is a skillset all its own. Managing team members they were previously peers with can present additional challenges.

To be effective, managers need solid ‘people skills’ including excellent communication. Most importantly, they need confidence in their skills to manage their team.

Depending on the objectives of your business or organisation, we can design a leadership and management training program to suit your needs.

Our programs will help your leaders, managers and supervisors gain leadership skills including:

  • appreciating their role and responsibility as leaders within the business or organisation
  • interpreting the difference between leadership and management, and recognising the importance of both
  • understanding their own behavioural and leadership style, and how it affects others
  • effectively managing their own responses in the workplace, including frustrations and stress
  • maintaining a solutions-focus (taking ownership, responsibility and accountability for their own behaviour and outcomes)
  • planning, setting and achieving goals
  • managing time and priorities effectively.

They will gain strong and practical management skills, including how to:

  • ensure regular and effective communication with their team
  • give feedback to affirm or adjust behaviour
  • delegate effectively – including what to delegate, how to delegate, and who to delegate to
  • coach team members for improved performance
  • hold team members accountable to their responsibilities
  • conduct performance reviews and introduce performance improvement plans
  • get the most from team members by understanding different behavioural styles and motivations
  • communicate effectively for win/win outcomes

Session Format

Depending on the unique needs and goals of your business, we will liaise with you regarding the ideal duration and frequency of sessions, content, and delivery method of your leadership and management training program.

We have successfully delivered leadership and management training programs in many ways, including:

  • meeting a small group of managers for monthly 1.5 hour sessions by Zoom over a six-month period
  • meeting management teams fortnightly on client premises for 75-minute sessions over 3 months
  • full day off-site workshops
  • meeting individual managers at our office in Morpeth or via Zoom for 75-minute sessions fortnightly
Leadership and Management Training - leadership and management training