As a business owner, you are well aware of the products and services your business offers.
You may even have a comprehensive business plan which outlines what you are selling, which products and services are in demand from your customers, how your product or service will benefit your customers, and what is different about what you are offering.
And you probably already have leads and prospects who you are converting into customers.
Once someone has bought from you, how do you ensure they come back and make another purchase?
One simple way is to ensure your customers know your full range of products and services.
Your customers may have favourite items that they regularly buy, but are they aware of other products that you sell? Do your clients know all the services available to them?
When customers already trust you and buy your main product or service, it’s a great time to introduce them to your full range.
Think about all the products and services you provide, and come up with some ways to inform your existing customers.
Perhaps you could include a “menu” of your products and services in your next newsletter or mailout …
Check out our Programs & Services flyer for details of how we can improve your business. Call us on 4933 6622 to book your complimentary Business Review and Diagnostic Session with business coach Andrew Masi.
Take steps today to increase your business profits!
Posted by julianne, 11/4/12