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Client Annual Conference, July 2011

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Client Conference. What a great day of assessing our values, prioritising, dreaming big, and putting an action plan in place. We are looking forward to working with you to achieve your goals and turn those dreams into reality!

A huge thank you to Justin Norris, Olympic and Commonwealth Games medallist and owner of the Justin Norris Swim Academy, for sharing his accomplishments and secrets of success in swimming, business, and family life.

We loved Justin’s ideas about creating a self-sustaining family culture, inspiring your team by giving them a purpose bigger than their role, the value in life of “showing up”, and the importance of maintaining a consistent effort towards your goals.

Justin outlined his strategy of choosing something you are good at, developing it and making it “your thing.” Having a niche is certainly the path to success! Andrew is planning to implement Justin’s “Hate The Boss” strategy which I’ll need to have a word with Justin about later ….

Andrew’s presentation on Choice reminded us to be accountable for the circumstances of our lives. As business leaders, our focus needs to be on wealth creation and building investment capital which will result in us having greater choice in all areas of our lives. Building wealth outside the business leads to stability and security. Andrew reminded us to focus on the bigger picture, allowing the managers we’ve hired to deal with the smaller issues.

Thank you for sharing an invaluable day of learning with us.

Award Winners

We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of our clients over the last 12 months. A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our Award Winners!

Mastery Award: The George Tavern

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi with Dan and Janine Redman of The George Tavern, also winners of our Business of the Year Award for 2011 (see below)

Marketing Award: Club Financial Services

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi with Janine Harris of Club Financial Services

Systems Award: Quarry Mining & Construction Equipment

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi with Kari Armitage of Quarry Mining & Construction Equipment

Greatest Increase in Turnover Award: Environmental Auditors

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi with Phil Hitchcock of Environmental Auditors, who also won our Business of the Year Award (see below)

Greatest Increase in Profit Award: Hunter Valley Chocolate Company

Team Award: Hunter Valley Chocolate Company

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi with Peter and Jo Clarke of Hunter Valley Chocolate Company, winners of both our Team Award and Greatest Increase in Profit Award for 2011

Giuseppe Macri Businesses of the Year Award (it was so close we couldn’t choose just one):

The George Tavern and Environmental Auditors

Client Annual Conference, July 2011 - Client Annual Conference
Andrew Masi of Yellow Executive Business Coaching with Phil Hitchcock of Environmental Auditors, and Dan and Janine Redman of The George Tavern, winners of our Giuseppe Macri Business of the Year Awards for 2011 for outstanding achievements in all areas of their business

Posted by julianne, 29/7/11